Sunday, May 3, 2009

Info Please!

I bet you are wondering what this new blog is all about. It is going to be all about kids nutrition. After all, I have 5 kids of my own, and I feed them about 5 times a day. . . I feed the babies maybe even more often. I have always been interested in nutrition. In college I majored in School Health and minored in Biology. Before I even graduated, I married my "nutrition nut" of a husband. One year for his birthday I made him a whole wheat, low-fat, cake with chocolate soy ice cream in the middle. Even though my husband likes healthy food, he also likes good food and food from all over the world. My husband introduced me to all sorts of things, like Moroccan Couscous, Nicoise Salad, and cooking without a recipe. Then his parents moved across the country and lived 10 minutes away. My mother-in-law taught me how to make all sorts of healthy and fresh foods. My mother taught me about healthy food . . . she never let us eat potato chips, she converted us to skim milk, and sugar cereal was a real treat. I have always been interested in healthy food. I used to make my Mom have all 4 food groups at dinner time, and I would make fresh salads from the garden for dinner all by myself. I once begged my Mom to take me to the store to get the ingredients to make Pesto, even though I had never eaten it before.
I hope to put good ideas that I have on the blog so that I can help those moms that are not as passionate about healthy eating, so that they can teach their children good eating habits.


  1. I'm so excited you're doing this. I want my kids to eat healthy but I don't always know how or what is good. I'll look forward to your posts.

  2. I can not wait to see what comes next!!! You ROCK! I always knew you were a great mom this is just proof!! KT

  3. Thanks for sharing all your nutritional inforamtion and tips... I look forward to using many of your recipes!
